Friday, March 6, 2020

Online Courses to Take After Graduation

Online Courses to Take After Graduation via Pixabay Microsoft Excel While everyone knows about Microsoft Excel, not everyone knows how to use it to its full advantage. Excel offers a variety of ways to manipulate, predict, and analyze data for almost every industry. Whether it’s calculating the number of sales made in a year, how much paid time off someone has accrued, or simply presenting a set of data in a more comprehensive way, everyone should know how to use Microsoft Excel. Leadership and Management Hopefully, at some point in your career, you will be managing employees. While it’s easy to tell people what to do, it isn’t so easy to make sure it gets done in an efficient and effective manner. That is where leadership and management skills come in. These online courses will teach you how to work and delegate work to people effectively. A certification in these online courses will also make you stand out to hiring managers because they see that you are ambitious and have the leadership skills to one day move up in the company. Intro to Coding As mentioned before, we live in a technology-based world that requires us to learn and keep up with trends and new practices. While ten years ago, coding was considered a skill meant only for web developers, it’s a skill that everyone should learn now. Whether you are working on a blog, email marketing campaign, or need to modify a webpage for your company, a base knowledge of HTML or CSS will definitely come in handy. Even if you never have to use these coding skills, it’s a good idea to have a basic understanding of how coding works. Inbound Marketing If you are going into a field where marketing is involved, you should brush up on your inbound marketing. With the rise of social media and content-based marketing, inbound marketing has never been more beneficial to a business. These online courses will teach you how to effectively market a business or product with a strategic sales funnel and effectively convert leads. This practice doesn’t only apply to marketing, though. These skills can be used in other aspects of life and business. Negotiation Tactics No matter what career path you choose, you will inevitably be presented with a situation where you will have to negotiate something. Whether it be your salary, a business deal, or even when buying your first house, it’s important to know how to effectively and strategically negotiate with someone. While these online courses are great for putting you ahead in business, it will also put you ahead in life. If there’s a situation where you have the chance to negotiate something, you’ll be happy you took these online courses. Business Writing How annoying is it to receive an email with spelling mistakes, emojis, and an unclear message while at work? Very! Before making the mistake of sending an email to a colleague that isn’t necessarily appropriate for the workplace, take some online courses in business writing. You will learn how to craft the perfect email that effectively expresses what you are trying to stay. You’ll also learn how to professionally write reports, memos, and other business-related documents. Personal Finance Most college students graduate with thousands of dollars of student loan debt. It’s overwhelming and you may not know exactly how to handle this massive debt. After graduation, take some online courses in personal finance. You’ll learn how to manage money, effectively pay back your student loans and any other debt you may have, and build up your wealth for the future. While these skills may not directly affect your career, they will affect how you manage your money throughout your lifetime. Where to Take These Online Courses There are thousands of websites that offer online courses similar to the ones mentioned in this article. A simple Google search will bring you a variety of options. Some colleges offer free online courses with certificates as do private services such as, HubSpot, and Coursera. Don’t be afraid to sink a little bit of cash into these courses either. They will definitely pay off in the long run.

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